Copyright Policy

Intellectual property rights

Australian Pork Limited (APL) asserts copyright and all other applicable intellectual property rights in the content appearing on this website and in the code used to create it, unless otherwise stated. All trade marks which appear on this website are the property of APL and are indicated by the appropriate symbol.
APL also asserts copyright and all other applicable intellectual property rights in all its documents and images appearing on this website. Users of this website may download a single copy of these documents and images for their personal use only.
Except where allowed in this notice or permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or other applicable laws, no part of this website may be stored, reproduced, adapted or transmitted in any form, including electronic forms, or by any process, without APL’s express permission.
You may view, display, print out and copy material appearing on this website for non-commercial educational purposes provided that you acknowledge APL as the source of the material. Otherwise, requests to reproduce material appearing on this website should be directed to the General Manager, Communications via the APL webmaster or mailed to the APL head office.

Intellectual property rights

Australian Pork Limited (APL) asserts copyright and all other applicable intellectual property rights in the content appearing on this website and in the code used to create it, unless otherwise stated. All trade marks which appear on this website are the property of APL and are indicated by the appropriate symbol.

APL also asserts copyright and all other applicable intellectual property rights in all its documents and images appearing on this website. Users of this website may download a single copy of these documents and images for their personal use only.

Except where allowed in this notice or permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or other applicable laws, no part of this website may be stored, reproduced, adapted or transmitted in any form, including electronic forms, or by any process, without APL’s express permission.

You may view, display, print out and copy material appearing on this website for non-commercial educational purposes provided that you acknowledge APL as the source of the material. Otherwise, requests to reproduce material appearing on this website should be directed to the General Manager, Communications via the APL webmaster or mailed to the APL head office.