
AMIST Super   AMIST Super

AMIST Super has been serving the meat industry and associates for more than 20 years. We offer low fee products with solid, long-term returns and automatic basic life and income protection insurance to anyone who joins – there are no extra application forms, paperwork or medicals. And as we are an industry super fund, any profits are for members. We are the industry super fund for you!

Address: Locked Bag 5390 Parramatta NSW 2124

Telephone: 1800 808 614

Fax: 1300 855 378

Representative: Steve Fleming 0419 160 293,


AMIC   Australian Meat Industry Council

AMIC is the Peak Council representing retailers, smallgoods manufacturers and processors. We provide services and support to butchers including food safety, wages, and employment practices, OH&S as well as discounted insurance and EFTPOS. AMIC also runs the National Sausage King Competition to help promote Independent Local Butchers to consumers.

Address: Level 2, 460 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065

Telephone: (02) 9086 2200



Benson Leasing   Benson Leasing

Benson Leasing provide an integral finance service to the butcher and smallgoods industry throughout Australia and have so for almost 10 years now. We provide finance options direct to you from a wide range of funders for the purchase of your equipment. This could be anything from a POS system, Coolrooms, Smoke Ovens or Food Production Machinery. We even arrange finance for transportation from a delivery scooter to a refrigerated truck!

Benson Leasing can help your business get the equipment it needs without putting a strain on your cash flow. That’s why leading financial advisers and successful businesses utilise the benefits Equipment Financing to run the business in the best way it can be!

Address: PO BOX 2527 TAREN POINT NSW 2229

Telephone: 1300 795 058

Fax: 1300 795 778

Representative: Jody Benson 0404 868 740,

Cindy Benson 0405 436 169,


   Boyd Ryan Business Sales & Consultants

Boyd Ryan Business Sales & Consultants are the professionals to contact if you are interested in selling or buying a butcher shop or butcher related business. Steven Boyd is a “Specialist Butcher Broker” and is highly experienced in the industry.

Address: Level 7, 470 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000

Telephone: 0417 120 249

Fax: (03) 9850 9656

Representative: Steven Boyd 0417 120 249,


    GoGetta Equipment Funding

GoGetta is a division of equipment funder Silver Chef Limited, which has been helping business owners achieve success for almost 30 years. We offer flexible and affordable funding options to the butchery industry for a variety of equipment inclusive of slicers, counters and mincers.

Address: Park Tower – 20 Pidgeon Close West End QLD 4101

Telephone: 1800 464 388  

Fax: (07) 3335 3399

Representative: Heidi Arjona 0458 036 087,


 Independent Solutions

Independent Solutions is a national solution oriented technology partner for retailers with the ability to service your software and hardware needs as well as all of your retail technology. With local knowledge and state based teams offering specialist system support ensuring the success of your business needs.

Address: 111-137 Magnesium Drive Crestmead QLD 4132

Telephone: 07 3387 5555

Fax: 07 3387 5588

Representative: Danny Yacou 0433 823 791,

Inis Shepherd 0428 016 743,

   Juba Creative Services

Juba provides Advertising, Graphic Design, Print Management, Website services. No matter how complex your communication challenge, we’re here to help you cut through the clutter and make your presence felt in your marketplace.

Our website will give you a brief overview. Please contact us to talk through your requirements. You’ll be surprised by how many ways we can help.

Address: Shop 2, 1 Avon Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113

Telephone: (02) 9889 2840

Mobile: 0411 197 774

Fax: (02) 9475 4874

Representative: André Ogle,


   NAB Bank

NAB would like to advise Butchers that we actively support Australian Pork in theendeavours to make all their butchers competitive in today’s market.

At NAB we have developed a “Butchers ” Fundamentals Package after consultation with Butchers, it contains 5 Accounts & Services that Butchers wanted. Included is: Business Transaction Account, Merchant Facility, Business Cards, Saving Account & Online Access all for only $12p/m.

Representative: Jamie Pickering, 0467 710 466,

Marshall Carter, 0429 035 059,

  Rewards Come True

Rewards Come True are the leading supplier of loyalty programs, reward programs and branded gift cards. Whether you need to reward your customers or your staff, we can provide you with the right expertise and solution. Our gift cards can be used anywhere eftpos is accepted so regardless of gender, location or age, you can be sure you are providing the right reward every time!

Address: 41 Stubbs Street Kensington Vic 3031

Telephone: (03) 8383 6000

Fax: (03) 8383 6099

Representatives: Mairead Hayes (03) 8383 6006,

Andy Burnip (03) 8383 6004,


  Uniwell POS Australia

Uniwell POS Australia supplies a comprehensive range of Point of Sale products all the way from basic cash registers to fully featured touch screen terminals, peripheral equipment such as scanners, scales, printers, etc and a full suite of complimentary local or cloud based software for sales analysis and full inventory control.

Address: Unit 24 / 280 New Line Road, Dural, NSW, 2158

Telephone: (02) 9651 7355

Fax: (02) 9651 7311

Representative: Sejr Hansen (02) 9651 7355,

George Dib (02) 9651 7355,

Scot Sutherland (03) 6334 8555,

AMIST Super  AMIST Super

AMIST Super has been serving the meat industry and associates for more than 20 years. We offer low fee products with solid, long-term returns and automatic basic life and income protection insurance to anyone who joins – there are no extra application forms, paperwork or medicals. And as we are an industry super fund, any profits are for members. We are the industry super fund for you!

Address: Locked Bag 5390 Parramatta NSW 2124

Telephone: 1800 808 614

Fax: 1300 855 378

Representative: Royston Bennet 0437 697 737,


AMIC    Australian Meat Industry Council

AMIC is the Peak Council representing retailers, smallgoods manufacturers and processors. We provide services and support to butchers including food safety, wages, and employment practices, OH&S as well as discounted insurance and EFTPOS. AMIC also runs the National Sausage King Competition to help promote Independent Local Butchers to consumers.

Address: Suite 2.09, Level 2, 460 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065

Telephone: (02) 9086 2200

Fax: (02) 9086 2201

Representative: Kevin Cottrill (02) 9086 2211, (TAS)

Mark Hardy (03) 9867 7294, (VIC)


Benson Leasing  Benson Leasing

Benson Leasing provide an integral finance service to the butcher and smallgoods industry throughout Australia and have so for almost 10 years now. We provide finance options direct to you from a wide range of funders for the purchase of your equipment. This could be anything from a POS system, Coolrooms, Smoke Ovens or Food Production Machinery. We even arrange finance for transportation from a delivery scooter to a refrigerated truck!

Benson Leasing can help your business get the equipment it needs without putting a strain on your cash flow. That’s why leading financial advisers and successful businesses utilise the benefits Equipment Financing to run the business in the best way it can be!

Address: PO BOX 2527 TAREN POINT NSW 2229

Telephone: 1300 795 058

Fax: 1300 795 778

Representative: Jody Benson 0404 868 740,

Cindy Benson 0405 436 169,


  Boyd Ryan Business Sales & Consultants

Boyd Ryan Business Sales & Consultants are the professionals to contact if you are interested in selling or buying a butcher shop or butcher related business. Steven Boyd is a “Specialist Butcher Broker” and is highly experienced in the industry.

Address: Level 7, 470 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000

Telephone: 0417 120 249

Fax: (03) 9850 9656

Representative: Steven Boyd 0417 120 249,

   CBS foodtech

CBS provides a full service to food and meat processors. Services included: Machinery , processing equipment, service and spare parts, seasoning premixes, functional ingredients, product development and R&D services.

Address: 2/7 Jubilee Avenue Warriewood NSW 2102

Telephone: (02) 9979 6722

Fax: (02) 9979 6511

Representative: Andy Schurger 0415 646 809,

Mark Nicholls 0404 744 550,

Horst Schurger (02) 9979 6722,


    GoGetta Equipment Funding

GoGetta is a division of equipment funder Silver Chef Limited, which has been helping business owners achieve success for almost 30 years. We offer flexible and affordable funding options to the butchery industry for a variety of equipment inclusive of slicers, counters and mincers.

Address: Park Tower – 20 Pidgeon Close West End QLD 4101

Telephone: 1800 464 388

Fax: (07) 3335 3399

Representative: Chanel Coombs 0448 000 795,


  Independent Solutions

Independent Solutions is a national solution oriented technology partner for retailers with the ability to service your software and hardware needs as well as all of your retail technology. With local knowledge and state based teams offering specialist system support ensuring the success of your business needs.

Address: 111-137 Magnesium Drive Crestmead QLD 4132

Telephone: 07 3387 5555

Fax: 07 3387 5588

Representative: Monica Penson 0408 800 555,

Inis Shepherd 0428 016 743,


 Juba Creative Services

Juba provides Advertising, Graphic Design, Print Management, Website services. No matter how complex your communication challenge, we’re here to help you cut through the clutter and make your presence felt in your marketplace.

Our website will give you a brief overview. Please contact us to talk through your requirements. You’ll be surprised by how many ways we can help.

Address: Shop 2, 1 Avon Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113

Telephone: (02) 9889 2840

Mobile: 0411 197 774

Fax: (02) 9475 4874

Representative: André Ogle,


 NAB Bank

NAB would like to advise Butchers that we actively support Australian Pork in the endeavours to make all their butchers competitive in today’s market.

At NAB we have developed a “Butchers ” Fundamentals Package after consultation with Butchers, it contains 5 Accounts & Services that Butchers wanted. Included is: Business Transaction Account, Merchant Facility, Business Cards, Saving Account & Online Access all for only $12p/m.

Representative: Theo Nicopoulos, 0427 174 982,

Marshall Carter, 0429 035 059,


 Rewards Come True

Rewards Come True are the leading supplier of loyalty programs, reward programs and branded gift cards. Whether you need to reward your customers or your staff, we can provide you with the right expertise and solution. Our gift cards can be used anywhere eftpos is accepted so regardless of gender, location or age, you can be sure you are providing the right reward every time!

Address: 41 Stubbs Street Kensington Vic 3031

Telephone: (03) 8383 6000

Fax: (03) 8383 6099

Representatives: Mairead Hayes (03) 8383 6006,

Andy Burnip (03) 8383 6004,


   Uniwell POS Australia

Uniwell POS Australia supplies a comprehensive range of Point of Sale products all the way from basic cash registers to fully featured touch screen terminals, peripheral equipment such as scanners, scales, printers, etc and a full suite of complimentary local or cloud based software for sales analysis and full inventory control.

Address: Unit 24 / 280 New Line Road, Dural, NSW, 2158

Telephone: (02) 9651 7355

Fax: (02) 9651 7311

Representative: Sejr Hansen (02) 9651 7355,

George Dib (02) 9651 7355,

Scot Sutherland (03) 6334 8555,

AMIST Super   AMIST Super

AMIST Super has been serving the meat industry and associates for more than 20 years. We offer low fee products with solid, long-term returns and automatic basic life and income protection insurance to anyone who joins – there are no extra application forms, paperwork or medicals. And as we are an industry super fund, any profits are for members. We are the industry super fund for you!

Address: Locked Bag 5390 Parramatta NSW 2124

Telephone: 1800 808 614

Fax: 1300 855 378

Representative: Steve Fleming 0419 160 293,


AMIC  Australian Meat Industry Council

AMIC is the Peak Council representing retailers, smallgoods manufacturers and processors. We provide services and support to butchers including food safety, wages, and employment practices, OH&S as well as discounted insurance and EFTPOS. AMIC also runs the National Sausage King Competition to help promote Independent Local Butchers to consumers.

Address: Suite 2.09, Level 2, 460 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065

Telephone: (02) 9086 2200

Fax: (02) 9086 2201

Representative: Michael Thomas (08) 9302 2866,


Benson Leasing  Benson Leasing

Benson Leasing provide an integral finance service to the butcher and smallgoods industry throughout Australia and have so for almost 10 years now. We provide finance options direct to you from a wide range of funders for the purchase of your equipment. This could be anything from a POS system, Coolrooms, Smoke Ovens or Food Production Machinery. We even arrange finance for transportation from a delivery scooter to a refrigerated truck!

Benson Leasing can help your business get the equipment it needs without putting a strain on your cash flow. That’s why leading financial advisers and successful businesses utilise the benefits Equipment Financing to run the business in the best way it can be!

Address: PO BOX 2527 TAREN POINT NSW 2229

Telephone: 1300 795 058

Fax: 1300 795 778

Representative: Jody Benson 0404 868 740,

Cindy Benson 0405 436 169,


  Boyd Ryan Business Sales & Consultants

Boyd Ryan Business Sales & Consultants are the professionals to contact if you are interested in selling or buying a butcher shop or butcher related business. Steven Boyd is a “Specialist Butcher Broker” and is highly experienced in the industry.

Address: Level 7, 470 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000

Telephone: 0417 120 249

Fax: (03) 9850 9656

Representative: Steven Boyd 0417 120 249,


  GoGetta Equipment Funding

GoGetta is a division of equipment funder Silver Chef Limited, which has been helping business owners achieve success for almost 30 years. We offer flexible and affordable funding options to the butchery industry for a variety of equipment inclusive of slicers, counters and mincers.

Address: Park Tower – 20 Pidgeon Close West End QLD 4101

Telephone: 1800 464 388

Fax: (07) 3335 3399

Representative: Craig Mueller 0488 089 471, (check out the gogetta video here)


   Independent Solutions

Independent Solutions is a national solution oriented technology partner for retailers with the ability to service your software and hardware needs as well as all of your retail technology. With local knowledge and state based teams offering specialist system support ensuring the success of your business needs.

Address: 111-137 Magnesium Drive Crestmead QLD 4132

Telephone: 07 3387 5555

Fax: 07 3387 5588

Representative: Wayne Thomas 0417 274 031,

Inis Shepherd 0428 016 743,


 Juba Creative Services

Juba provides Advertising, Graphic Design, Print Management, Website services. No matter how complex your communication challenge, we’re here to help you cut through the clutter and make your presence felt in your marketplace.

Our website will give you a brief overview. Please contact us to talk through your requirements. You’ll be surprised by how many ways we can help.

Address: Shop 2, 1 Avon Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113

Telephone: (02) 9889 2840

Mobile: 0411 197 774

Fax: (02) 9475 4874

Representative: André Ogle,

   NAB Bank

NAB would like to advise Butchers that we actively support Australian Pork in theendeavours to make all their butchers competitive in today’s market.

At NAB we have developed a “Butchers ” Fundamentals Package after consultation with Butchers, it contains 5 Accounts & Services that Butchers wanted. Included is: Business Transaction Account, Merchant Facility, Business Cards, Saving Account & Online Access all for only $12p/m.

Representative: Theo Nicopoulos, 0427 174 982,

Marshall Carter, 0429 035 059,


  Rewards Come True

Rewards Come True are the leading supplier of loyalty programs, reward programs and branded gift cards. Whether you need to reward your customers or your staff, we can provide you with the right expertise and solution. Our gift cards can be used anywhere eftpos is accepted so regardless of gender, location or age, you can be sure you are providing the right reward every time!

Address: 41 Stubbs Street Kensington Vic 3031

Telephone: (03) 8383 6000

Fax: (03) 8383 6099

Representatives: Mairead Hayes (03) 8383 6006,

Andy Burnip (03) 8383 6004,


  Uniwell POS Australia

Uniwell POS Australia supplies a comprehensive range of Point of Sale products all the way from basic cash registers to fully featured touch screen terminals, peripheral equipment such as scanners, scales, printers, etc and a full suite of complimentary local or cloud based software for sales analysis and full inventory control.

Address: Unit 24 / 280 New Line Road, Dural, NSW, 2158

Telephone: (02) 9651 7355

Fax: (02) 9651 7311

Representative: Sejr Hansen (02) 9651 7355,

George Dib (02) 9651 7355,

Scot Sutherland (03) 6334 8555,

AMIST Super   AMIST Super

AMIST Super has been serving the meat industry and associates for more than 20 years. We offer low fee products with solid, long-term returns and automatic basic life and income protection insurance to anyone who joins – there are no extra application forms, paperwork or medicals. And as we are an industry super fund, any profits are for members. We are the industry super fund for you!

Address: Locked Bag 5390 Parramatta NSW 2124

Telephone: 1800 808 614

Fax: 1300 855 378

Representative: Royston Bennet 0437 697 737, (SA)

David Ashton 0434 043 785, (NT)


AMIC Australian Meat Industry Council

AMIC is the Peak Council representing retailers, smallgoods manufacturers and processors. We provide services and support to butchers including food safety, wages, and employment practices, OH&S as well as discounted insurance and EFTPOS. AMIC also runs the National Sausage King Competition to help promote Independent Local Butchers to consumers.

Address: Suite 2.09, Level 2, 460 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065

Telephone: (02) 9086 2200

Fax: (02) 9086 2201

Representative: Paul Sandercock (08) 8272 2400,


Benson Leasing   Benson Leasing

Benson Leasing provide an integral finance service to the butcher and smallgoods industry throughout Australia and have so for almost 10 years now. We provide finance options direct to you from a wide range of funders for the purchase of your equipment. This could be anything from a POS system, Coolrooms, Smoke Ovens or Food Production Machinery. We even arrange finance for transportation from a delivery scooter to a refrigerated truck!

Benson Leasing can help your business get the equipment it needs without putting a strain on your cash flow. That’s why leading financial advisers and successful businesses utilise the benefits Equipment Financing to run the business in the best way it can be!

Address: PO BOX 2527 TAREN POINT NSW 2229

Telephone: 1300 795 058

Fax: 1300 795 778

Representative: Jody Benson 0404 868 740,

Cindy Benson 0405 436 169,


   Boyd Ryan Business Sales & Consultants

Boyd Ryan Business Sales & Consultants are the professionals to contact if you are interested in selling or buying a butcher shop or butcher related business. Steven Boyd is a “Specialist Butcher Broker” and is highly experienced in the industry.

Address: Level 7, 470 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000

Telephone: 0417 120 249

Fax: (03) 9850 9656

Representative: Steven Boyd 0417 120 249,


   GoGetta Equipment Funding

GoGetta is a division of equipment funder Silver Chef Limited, which has been helping business owners achieve success for almost 30 years. We offer flexible and affordable funding options to the butchery industry for a variety of equipment inclusive of slicers, counters and mincers.

Address: Park Tower – 20 Pidgeon Close West End QLD 4101

Telephone: 1800 464 388

Fax: (07) 3335 3399

Representative: Chanel Coombs 0448 000 795, (SA)

Emily Crossley 0448 137 500, (NT) (check out the gogetta video here)


   Independent Solutions

Independent Solutions is a national solution oriented technology partner for retailers with the ability to service your software and hardware needs as well as all of your retail technology. With local knowledge and state based teams offering specialist system support ensuring the success of your business needs.

Address: 111-137 Magnesium Drive Crestmead QLD 4132

Telephone: 07 3387 5555

Fax: 07 3387 5588

Representative: Wayne Thomas 0417 274 031,

Kurt McDonald 0408 795 713,

Inis Shepherd 0428 016 743,

    Juba Creative Services

Juba provides Advertising, Graphic Design, Print Management, Website services. No matter how complex your communication challenge, we’re here to help you cut through the clutter and make your presence felt in your marketplace.

Our website will give you a brief overview. Please contact us to talk through your requirements. You’ll be surprised by how many ways we can help.

Address: Shop 2, 1 Avon Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113

Telephone: (02) 9889 2840

Mobile: 0411 197 774

Fax: (02) 9475 4874

Representative: André Ogle,


    NAB Bank

NAB would like to advise Butchers that we actively support Australian Pork in theendeavours to make all their butchers competitive in today’s market.

At NAB we have developed a “Butchers ” Fundamentals Package after consultation with Butchers, it contains 5 Accounts & Services that Butchers wanted. Included is: Business Transaction Account, Merchant Facility, Business Cards, Saving Account & Online Access all for only $12p/m.

Representative: Theo Nicopoulos, 0427 174 982,

John Shillington, 0459 821 319,


  Rewards Come True

Rewards Come True are the leading supplier of loyalty programs, reward programs and branded gift cards. Whether you need to reward your customers or your staff, we can provide you with the right expertise and solution. Our gift cards can be used anywhere eftpos is accepted so regardless of gender, location or age, you can be sure you are providing the right reward every time!

Address: 41 Stubbs Street Kensington Vic 3031

Telephone: (03) 8383 6000

Fax: (03) 8383 6099

Representatives: Mairead Hayes (03) 8383 6006,

Andy Burnip (03) 8383 6004,


   Uniwell POS Australia

Uniwell POS Australia supplies a comprehensive range of Point of Sale products all the way from basic cash registers to fully featured touch screen terminals, peripheral equipment such as scanners, scales, printers, etc and a full suite of complimentary local or cloud based software for sales analysis and full inventory control.

Address: Unit 24 / 280 New Line Road, Dural, NSW, 2158

Telephone: (02) 9651 7355

Fax: (02) 9651 7311

Representative: Sejr Hansen (02) 9651 7355,

George Dib (02) 9651 7355,

Scot Sutherland (03) 6334 8555,


AMIST Super has been serving the meat industry and associates for more than 20 years. We offer low fee products with solid, long-term returns and automatic basic life and income protection insurance to anyone who joins – there are no extra application forms, paperwork or medicals. And as we are an industry super fund, any profits are for members. We are the industry super fund for you!

Address: Locked Bag 5390 Parramatta NSW 2124

Telephone: 1800 808 614

Fax: 1300 855 378

Representative: David Ashton 0434 043 785,


AMIC  Australian Meat Industry Council

AMIC is the Peak Council representing retailers, smallgoods manufacturers and processors. We provide services and support to butchers including food safety, wages, and employment practices, OH&S as well as discounted insurance and EFTPOS. AMIC also runs the National Sausage King Competition to help promote Independent Local Butchers to consumers.

Address: Suite 2.09, Level 2, 460 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065

Telephone: (02) 9086 2200

Fax: (02) 9086 2201

Representative: Gail Butler (07) 3352 4600,


Benson Leasing   Benson Leasing

Benson Leasing provide an integral finance service to the butcher and smallgoods industry throughout Australia and have so for almost 10 years now. We provide finance options direct to you from a wide range of funders for the purchase of your equipment. This could be anything from a POS system, Coolrooms, Smoke Ovens or Food Production Machinery. We even arrange finance for transportation from a delivery scooter to a refrigerated truck!

Benson Leasing can help your business get the equipment it needs without putting a strain on your cash flow. That’s why leading financial advisers and successful businesses utilise the benefits Equipment Financing to run the business in the best way it can be!

Address: PO BOX 2527 TAREN POINT NSW 2229

Telephone: 1300 795 058

Fax: 1300 795 778

Representative: Jody Benson 0404 868 740,

Cindy Benson 0405 436 169,


   Boyd Ryan Business Sales & Consultants

Boyd Ryan Business Sales & Consultants are the professionals to contact if you are interested in selling or buying a butcher shop or butcher related business. Steven Boyd is a “Specialist Butcher Broker” and is highly experienced in the industry.

Address: Level 7, 470 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000

Telephone: 0417 120 249

Fax: (03) 9850 9656

Representative: Steven Boyd 0417 120 249,


   GoGetta Equipment Funding

GoGetta is a division of equipment funder Silver Chef Limited, which has been helping business owners achieve success for almost 30 years. We offer flexible and affordable funding options to the butchery industry for a variety of equipment inclusive of slicers, counters and mincers.

Address: Park Tower – 20 Pidgeon Close West End QLD 4101

Telephone: 1800 464 388

Fax: (07) 3335 3399

Representative: Emily Crossley 0448 137 500, (check out the gogetta video here)


   Independent Solutions

Independent Solutions is a national solution oriented technology partner for retailers with the ability to service your software and hardware needs as well as all of your retail technology. With local knowledge and state based teams offering specialist system support ensuring the success of your business needs.

Address: 111-137 Magnesium Drive Crestmead QLD 4132

Telephone: 07 3387 5555

Fax: 07 3387 5588

Representative: Kurt McDonald 0408 795 713,

Inis Shepherd 0428 016 743,


    Juba Creative Services

Juba provides Advertising, Graphic Design, Print Management, Website services. No matter how complex your communication challenge, we’re here to help you cut through the clutter and make your presence felt in your marketplace.

Our website will give you a brief overview. Please contact us to talk through your requirements. You’ll be surprised by how many ways we can help.

Address: Shop 2, 1 Avon Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113

Telephone: (02) 9889 2840

Mobile: 0411 197 774

Fax: (02) 9475 4874

Representative: André Ogle,


  NAB Bank

NAB would like to advise Butchers that we actively support Australian Pork in theendeavours to make all their butchers competitive in today’s market.

At NAB we have developed a “Butchers ” Fundamentals Package after consultation with Butchers, it contains 5 Accounts & Services that Butchers wanted. Included is: Business Transaction Account, Merchant Facility, Business Cards, Saving Account & Online Access all for only $12p/m.

Representative: Marshall Carter, 0429 035 059,

John Shillington, 0459 821 319,


   Rewards Come True

Rewards Come True are the leading supplier of loyalty programs, reward programs and branded gift cards. Whether you need to reward your customers or your staff, we can provide you with the right expertise and solution. Our gift cards can be used anywhere eftpos is accepted so regardless of gender, location or age, you can be sure you are providing the right reward every time!

Address: 41 Stubbs Street Kensington Vic 3031

Telephone: (03) 8383 6000

Fax: (03) 8383 6099

Representatives: Mairead Hayes (03) 8383 6006,

Andy Burnip (03) 8383 6004,


   Uniwell POS Australia

Uniwell POS Australia supplies a comprehensive range of Point of Sale products all the way from basic cash registers to fully featured touch screen terminals, peripheral equipment such as scanners, scales, printers, etc and a full suite of complimentary local or cloud based software for sales analysis and full inventory control.

Address: Unit 24 / 280 New Line Road, Dural, NSW, 2158

Telephone: (02) 9651 7355

Fax: (02) 9651 7311

Representative: Sejr Hansen (02) 9651 7355,

George Dib (02) 9651 7355,

Scot Sutherland (03) 6334 8555,